But I digress into preaching without giving you all the background. The truth is that I woke up at three this morning, after a particularly troubling dream, nightmare, really. And I figured that before all that bad stuff happens, I need to acknowledge the good that has come from Jesus. I cannot withhold my gratefulness to Him for what He is doing which I'm able to perceive. So, rejoice with me!
1. Rejoice with me because as of two days ago, 155 churches had signed up to join this NET adventure. We understand this to be the largest number of churches signed up this early in the process. And we are happy about that because it means that some churches are catching on to the idea of a process vs. an event. We pray many more may join soon. I've had the chance, over the last three weekends, to visit a number of ministers' meetings across the NAD, and have been encouraged by their response. We could have many more though, so let's continue presenting this before the Lord.
2. Rejoice with me because as of yesterday, we'd had a jump in Prayer Warrior registration, with over 500 of them on board right now. This is encouraging, and oh, so necessary! Little or nothing will be accomplished without much earnest prayer. We'd like to see thousands become NET Prayer Warriors for the sake of the Gospel this year. People can sign up at http://host.propheciesdecoded.com/ right on the home page. Just scroll to the bottom and find the place to click there on the right. In addition, Ruthie Jacobsen, the Prayer Ministries coordinator for North America, started another website where people can sign up: http://www.pray4net2011.org/. No matter where people sign up, the important thing is to pray, pray, pray. Here is a statement that should make us think: "We are not willing enough to trouble the Lord with our petitions, and to ask Him for the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Lord wants us to trouble Him in this matter. He wants us to press our petitions to the throne. The converting power of God needs to be felt throughout our ranks" (Fundamentals of Christian Education, 537, 538).
3. Rejoice with me because a kind, generous Adventist gave a large donation to the cause. Remember that in my last blog I had expressed concerns about finances? We need to raise a considerable amount of money in addition to what the division, union, and local conference are pledging. Well, I was driving last Sunday night in a Southern state when, out of the blue, the thought came to me, as clear as a bell ringing on a brisk sunny morning, that I should contact this person again. I had once last November. Immediately, I called him and found him, to my surprised delight. I had a very narrow window when I would be in town and could see him the next day, and he was willing to do so for the 30 minutes I could make it happen. We met, and he promised a very substantial amount. This is an entirely God thing, because I had not even thought about talking with him again at this time. But God did not let me forget it. It was like "I know you're busy with important stuff and all, but I think it'd be important to connect with this person right now. What do you think?" Oh, what a wonderful God we serve!
Some of the other challenges remain, such as the implementation DVD and my book. I retook book writing yesterday, after being "in the freezer" for three plus weeks. I spent most of the day just reading the chapters I had written to take up the flow of thought. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will absolutely direct my mind over the next five days or so, that's all the time I have left.
Blessings to you. Thanks for your interest in the cause of Christ, and even in me. Jesus hears, Jesus knows.
"And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!' I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance."
Luke 15:6, 7